Feature Update - September 27, 2024

Getting ready for the next release scheduled for Oct/07/2024

Events / Events List / Events Calendar

  • Event Details page -  Event Tags are moved to the right block to utilize the page better
  • Event List page - Event Title and Image are links to the event detail page
  • Event Type filter - Only Event Tags used to tag events are included in the dropdown options
    • Event Type filter selection will be preserved when browsing between months

E-Gift Cards / Gift Cards

  • E-Gift cards will NOT be automatically linked to a customer account at the time of purchase. It will be linked to a customer account the first time the customer redeems the gift card during checkout while logged into an account. Gift cards not linked to a customer can be used during guest checkout and will be available for anyone to use, as guests.
  • E-Gift Card delivery date is included on the Commerce > Gift Cards page
  • When processing orders for E-Gift cards, a status message is displayed confirming the E-Gift card delivery. This message is also included in the Order Activity logs.

Order Processing

  • Order number is included in the subject line of order update emails sent to customers. These are emails triggered by the system when an customer order comment is added to the order
  • Order receipt is redesigned to show important customer and order information at the top,  make it more compact so it uses fewer pages while printing
  • On the order line items, the actual shipping method name is included instead of the generic ‘Shipping’

Bug Fixes - These bugs were either reported by stores or identified during QA regression testing

  • When viewing certain pre-order titles, the format selector shows the wrong format
  • Background color and borders on images placed within a table in not consistent
  • Auto complete of order tags during bulk operations does not work
  • Special characters in the ‘Section’ field of a Local Store Inventory file causes the upload to fail
  • Stamps.com exported CSV does not have the right data
  • CTA blocks Title and Subtitle failed ADA compliance for color contrast again the CTA block image
  •  Store Merchandise with Variations - Unable to remove variations