An emergency issue means that your customers can't buy anything from your website or your staff can't process any online orders. Your website is essentially broken and cannot take orders or process any transactions. If your website has an emergency issue please check the IndieCommerce status page first. If your issue has not been reported submit a critical outage report and IndieCommerce staff will be alerted immediately.

Thank you for your time & continued support and HAPPY HOLIDAYS from the IndieCommerce team!

On Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 7am Eastern we will be updating all IndieCommerce 2.0 sites with a couple of urgent fixes.  Brief periods of downtime are expected on sites as the updates are performed.

This update will include the following:

Order Details Page

We heard from many stores that they need the Stock Information to be on the main order page, so we moved it back.  It will now appear below the list of products in the order. The Stock Information pane will be collapsed by default for the page to load faster and can be expanded as needed.

admin order page


Bug Fix - Multiple ‘Pickup’ Shipments

This issue was reported by stores with multiple locations - orders would sometimes appear with more than one pickup location. We have addressed this issue.


Promotion & Coupon For Select Binding Type

Stores can now create Promotion with / without Coupon for Hardcovers and Paperbacks.


Order Manager Permissions

Order Managers now have permission to add any type of product to a customer order or new order. Previously they could add only Books.


On Wednesday, December 04, 2024 at 7am Eastern we will be updating all IndieCommerce 2.0 sites with new features, bug fixes, and other improvements.  Brief periods of downtime are expected on sites as the updates are performed.

This release, scheduled for Wednesday, December 04, 2024, is the last one for this year. It includes some important updates to the Admin Order Page, Order Emails, Canceling Orders, Calendar Design, LSI for Preorders etc. 

Please review the details in this Feature Update Summary.

ABA will be closed for the long holiday weekend starting Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th in observance of the Thanksgiving Day Holiday. Regular business hours will resume Monday, December 2, 2024.

We have added the following article as a guide to help you report issues to us more efficiently.


  • Your store is experiencing a critical outage if any of the following is true:

    - Your website is down

    - Customers cannot place orders

    - You cannot process orders                              

    Submitting a critical outage report triggers emails, text messages and phone calls to IndieCommerce staff 24/7. As such, we try to limit usage of the system to actual outages. Please check the following before submitting a critical outage report:

    1. If you discover that your website is offline while using a laptop or desktop computer, use your phone to verify that there is a problem. On your phone, turn off the wifi connection and then enter the URL for your website into a browser on your phone. This will confirm that your website is offline. If your bookstore's website does not come up on your phone, then go to step #2.

    2. Visit the IndieCommerce status page to see if we are already aware of the issue. If there is no incident already posted for the day and time of your incident, then click on the red "Contact Us" button. Please give as much detail as possible about what you are experiencing on your website when completing the critical outage form.

    After you submit the form, you will get a confirmation email from a team member that your report has been received and we are investigating. A follow-up email will be sent when the issue has been resolved or we have an update for you.

    Please note that the critical outage form is ONLY for reporting critical outages. For submitting non critical issues, please email [email protected] . Please share this email with everyone at your store that works with your website so that they are aware of what to do in the event of a critical outage. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email [email protected] .

    Many thanks from the IndieCommerce Team

We are looking for your assistance with how your store uses the shipping solutions providers that are available to your bookstore on IndieCommerce 2.0.

Your feedback will help us improve this service. Click here to begin survey.

On Monday, November 11, 2024 at 7am Eastern we will be updating all IndieCommerce 2.0 sites with new features, bug fixes, and other improvements.  Brief periods of downtime are expected on sites as the updates are performed.



IndieCommerce 2.0 - New Features and Updates - Live Demo and Discussion on 11/7/2024

Over the past few weeks IC 2.0 has introduced several new features and updates. On Thursday, November 7, between 3pm and 4pm Eastern, we will demo and discuss them. If there are features you are interested in, please mention them when you register. Please register here! Registered attendees will also have access to the recording of this webinar.

The next code release is scheduled for Monday, November 11, 2024. Please check the blog post for details.

On Monday, October 28, 2024 at 7am Eastern we will be updating all IndieCommerce 2.0 sites with new features, bug fixes, and other improvements.  Brief periods of downtime are expected on sites as the updates are performed.

Please visit our Feature Updates blog for details on what will be included in this update.