With over 200 stores live on IndieCommerce 2.0 and another 100+ stores in the migration pipeline, this update cover the latest news updates from IndieCommerce 2.0
More Customer Support & Developers Join the IndieCommerce Team, Malicious Bot Activity, Recent Error Messages on IC 1.0, More Help To Expedite Your Bookstore's Migration
ABA Board approves 1.1 million in additional funding to expedite IndieCommerce migration to the new 2.0 platform
New features added today - Gift Wrapping, Store Gift Cards, Remainders, House Account Payment Method, Sales Tracking Report and more.
5/17/24 - A brief introduction to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for independent Bookstores.
05/02/2024 - In Early April of 2024 we sent out a survey to bookstores that were live on the IndieCommerce 2.0 platform to find out what they thought of it. These are some of the results from that survey.
04/24/24 - Special customer roles, bulk creation of customer accounts, IBIDie & WordStock gift cards and more.
04/19/2024 - Consumer sentiment about buying online from their local bookstore radically shifted post COVID, and we are still feeling the ramifications of what occurred over the past four years.
04/04/24 - IndieCommerce 2.0 Project Receives Additional Funding to Expedite Migration
03/27/24 - Independent Bookstore Day (IBD), customer look-up by name, a new ‘Upcoming Events’ view and much more.