Non-Shippable Store Merchandise (ideal for Event Tickets, Memberships etc.), automated import of orders from the website to Basil and Anthology POS, active members on the platform and more.
We've got some more really interesting new features to announce in this week's IndieCommerce 2.0 summary. For Tier 1 and Tier 2, Google Analytics 4 is now available for both Tiers. We've also enabled the ability for events with past dates and for those events to be edited by your staff. You'll also notice that the new events calendar has had a visual upgrade and looks great. For Tier 2 only, we are now offering integration for both Basil and Anthology POS systems. Another new feature for Tier 2 stores is the very popular option of selling subscription products on your website.
Most of the IndieCommerce staff will be at Winter Institute next week. If you have the opportunity, please stop by and say hello. For this week on IndieCommerce 2.0 we launched a new "signed copy" option. This feature is now available to both Tier 1 and Tier 2 stores.
Over the past few years quite a few online bookstores have been approached by attorneys who represent individuals who are visually impaired and have had difficulty navigating the bookstore's website. Some of these cases end up in court others are settled out of court. Here are some best practices to help bookstores evaluate their compliance with the ADA guidelines.

The team has been focused on development, working on features like Ingram CDF, integration with Givex and the Subscription product. Testing of migration for IndieLite sites continues. Starting February/01, orders placed on Live site will be flagged for the 1% online commission


Exciting stuff is happening with IndieCommerce 2.0!! The work is progressing at a steady pace. There are currently 14 sites live on IC 2.0 with another 25 in the process of configuring their websites. Migration testing for IndieLite sites is underway.
New updates and brand new features to IndieCommerce 2.0 have been rolled out this week -  Site Statistics on the Admin Dashboard, Sales Tax Holiday, Sales Tax Exemption, exporting orders to Anthology POS and PirateShip 
This week's robust list of new updates and brand new features to IndieCommerce 2.0 - MyEmma for Email Marketing, Store Merchandise search, recover orders incorrectly marked as ‘Fraudulent’ and more.
Brand new features and updates have been rolled out to IndieCommerce 2.0 this week. Custom text in order confirmation email, Constant Contact for email marketing, retain customer contact information for guest checkout and more.
As holiday shopping rapidly approaches, it's a good time to begin preparing your IndieCommerce 2.0 site for the upcoming season. Attend our weekly user groups and sign up for our newsletter.